NCAA Bylaw 12.5 - Promotional Activities Permission

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12.5.1 Permissible. Student-athletes may participate in promotional activities as provided in this bylaw. Any promotional activity not listed is specifically prohibited. Institutional, Charitable, Educational or Nonprofit Promotions.

A member institution or recognized entity thereof (e.g., fraternity, sorority or student government organization), a member conference or a noninstitutional charitable, educational or nonprofit agency may use a student-athlete’s name, picture or appearance to support its charitable or educational activities or to support activities considered incidental to the student-athlete's participation in intercollegiate athletics, provided the following conditions are met:
(a) The student-athlete receives written approval to participate from the institution's president or chancellor (or designee), subject to the limitations on participants in such activities as set forth in Bylaw 17;
(b) The specific activity or project in which the student-athlete participates does not involve cosponsorship, advertisement or promotion by a commercial agency, except as follows:

(1) Identification (e.g., graphics, voice over, on-screen text) of the commercial entity must explain the commercial entity's affiliation with the permissible entity (e.g., entity is the official sponsor of the institution/event);
(2) The appearance or description of the commercial product(s)/service(s) and/or the commercial entity's logo(s) may be included but may not exceed 25 percent of the total promotional activity. Further, language or action included in the promotion may not directly encourage the use or purchase of the commercial product or service (e.g., drink this product) with which the commercial entity is associated;
(3) The promotion shall not feature alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or performance-enhancing drugs. Further, the commercial entity shall not be any organization that promotes gambling.

(c) The name or picture of a student-athlete with remaining eligibility may not appear on an institution's printed promotional item (e.g., poster, calendar) that includes a reproduction of a product with which a commercial entity is associated if the commercial entity's officially registered regular trademark or logo also appears on the item;
(d) The student-athlete does not miss class;
(e) All money derived from the activity or project goes directly to the member institution, member conference or the charitable, educational or nonprofit agency. Further, an institution may designate money earned through participation in institutional fundraisers for a student-athlete in accordance with Bylaw;
(f) The student-athlete may accept actual and necessary expenses from the member institution, member conference or the charitable, educational or nonprofit agency related to participation in such activity;
(g) The student-athlete's name, picture or appearance is not used to promote the commercial ventures of any nonprofit agency;
(h) Any commercial items with names or pictures of student-athletes (other than items specified per Bylaws and may be sold only by the member institution, member conference or NCAA, through outlets controlled by the member institution, member conference or NCAA or outlets controlled by the charitable or educational organization (e.g., location of the charitable or educational organization, site of charitable event during the event);
(i) The student-athlete signs a release statement authorizing the use of his or her name, image or appearance in a manner consistent with the requirements of this section; and
(j) The institution provides educational material(s) to a representative of the charitable, educational, non-profit or government agency regarding restrictions on the use of a student-athlete's name, image or appearance.


By checking below, I verify that I have read NCAA Bylaw and that all requirements of the bylaw will be met regarding my participation in promotional pieces used by Saint Mary's College or recognized entity thereof. I grant Saint Mary's, or recognized entity thereof, permission to use my name and or photograph in promotional activities provided in this bylaw for one calendar year beginning on the date of the submission of this form.
By checking below, I choose not to participate in promotional pieces used by Saint Mary's College or recognized entity thereof effective one calendar year beginning on the date of the submission of this form. I understand I must tell those involved not to photograph or interview me during such occasions.
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