Featured News
Emma Zmudzinski - Morgan's MessageApril 11, 2024Saint Mary's lacrosse player and Morgan's Message ambassador Emma Zmudzinski shares her connection with the organization and how she hopes to see it expand.
smicktok episode 5 - Bridget KaneJuly 12, 2022A one-minute, quick-fire interview with lacrosse player Bridget Kane.
Saint Mary's Snapshot - Sarah FrickJanuary 08, 2021A member of the lacrosse team, Sarah Frick talks about her experience as a student-athlete at Saint Mary's, how Division III opens several doors for her, and how the team empowers each other.
Saint Mary's Snapshot - Emily KrakerJanuary 16, 2020A member of the lacrosse team, Emily Kraker shares her experience as a student-athlete at Saint Mary's as well as her involvement in the Athletic Department and beyond.
Rachael LeonardRachael plays lacrosse because she loves the culture of the sport and being part of something bigger than herself.